It completes Beethoven's last symphony, writes poetry or creates paintings - artificial intelligence is no longer a vision from a science fiction movie, but is already being used in many areas, producing significant successes.
AI also has the potential to revolutionise the retail industry. As a subfield of computer science, it imitates human cognitive abilities, which are generated both on programmed processes and through machine learning. Through a large amount of data, the computer learns here to act increasingly autonomously and adaptively, even in complex tasks.
Many retailers use an omni-channel retailing strategy that supports sales channels such as retail shops, online shops and catalogues in equal measure in order to increase their sales opportunities. However, this brings with it the challenge that these sales channels must all be operated, controlled, evaluated and optimised in parallel. At the same time, this has significantly increased the amount of information about the products in recent years. The availability of large amounts of data, but also of growing computing power, has enabled great progress in the field of machine learning in recent years. At the same time, however, the large amount of data also frequently results in errors.
Read the detailed reports in the media here on how the potential of AI and machine learning can be used for a sustainable improvement in master data quality (please note, unfortunately, the articles are avaible in German language only: